How long does it take for delivery?
For pre-orders, we will notify you by email to inform you when the product is ready. Once ready, in most cases, your order will ship within 1-2 business days. We’ll send you an email when it ships along with a confirmation email that has your delivery service information and tracking number.
When will the transaction go through for pre-order?
When you pre-order, we will authorize the purchase immediately, so you may see an authorization from Nest appear in your bank statement. However, you won’t be charged until your order has shipped.
What is the warranty on the Nest Cam?
The warranty on the Nest Cam is 2 years from the date of delivery following the original retail purchase. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us via our contact page.
I selected the incorrect quantity for my order, but it’s already gone through. Can I change it?
Yes, depending on when the mistake was discovered. Feel free to contact our customer service and we will do our best to update your order to the correct quantity and issue a refund for the unwanted items.
I’m a retailer/wholesale distributor/online merchant interested in carrying Nest Cam. What’s the process?
If you’d like to do business with Nest, fill out our contact form with info about yourself and what you’re looking for and we’ll get back to you shortly.